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Gary Fountain
WMNR Fine Arts Radio Broadcaster

"Creative and engaging programs played with panache by brilliant young musicians—that’s the Kallos Chamber Music Series. The music resonates beneath the chandeliers at the New Haven Lawn Club, where an evening in New Haven is transformed into an evening in Vienna."

Jay Bright


" Each musician delivered an exciting, emotional, technically superb performance. I left astonished! "

Mary Ellen Savage

"It was just exquisite experience.  The combination of the chamber music in this particular environment and the choice of music was extraordinary "

Steve Newton
Audience member

"Absolutely stunning, the talent, the youth, the vigor, the joyful intensity 

has been absolutely marvelous."

An audience member

Truly exceptional experience - Impeccably performed,  witty commentary, and swoon-worthy music.

Joseph Spellman
Audience member

During the pandemic lockdown, I had the great pleasure to discover the Kallos Chamber Music Series.  I was looking around for some good music to watch and decided to subscribe to the concerts during the 2020-2021 year.  What a pure delight.  I was so impressed with the musicians under the direction of Min Young Kang and with Min Young herself.  Now, I am even more fortunate to have attended, in person, the first concert of the 2020-2022 year held at the New Haven Lawn Club in November of 2021.  The energy of all the musicians was impressive, to say the least.  The music chosen for this and last year’s concerts was exciting, interesting and fun, and the performance was just wonderful.    The musicians that were chosen for this concert, and past concerts, were so polished and professional and the playing was just fantastic.   I am now a fan and I will be attending the rest of the concerts for this season, and hopefully many more seasons.  

An audience member

The Kallos concert was only the second occasion on which I have heard live music since March of last year.  And what an extraordinary concert it was!  Your selection of pieces was intriguing, the playing was spectacular, and your introduction and those of the other musicians were eloquent and heart-felt.  I cannot fully express what a moving experience it was for me to attend.

Suzanne Stack
Audience member

I don’t think it gets much better than this: streaming the Kallos Chamber Music series “A la Carte,” was like having the best musicians playing fresh and interesting music with delicacy and passion right in your living room. What a perfect and needed uplift to our week! Thank you, thank you, thank you Kallos Chamber Group.

Janice Kozlowsky
Audience member

A raison d'etre of Kallos is to give music lovers the kind of intimate experience that was an original intent of chamber music (back in the day). Although live music can never be replaced, the intimacy of listening to Kallos from the best seats in the house (literally) was so welcome and lovely, especially during this time. Min Young, your energy, vision and love of music made this happen! We are fortunate, indeed!!!

Robert E. Marra
Audience member

The Kallos musicians closed out their gorgeous three-concert series tonight with Brahms's C-minor piano quartet, perhaps his finest. This exquisite piece demands so much of the players, in virtuosic technique, in sensitivity to line, arc, and the deceptively complex harmonic structure of each of the four movements. It was clear to me from the beginning of the first movement to the final notes of the fourth that Kang, Arndt, Bak, and Halpern studied this piece, learned it, and immersed themselves in it to the point that they made it their own, allowing their virtuosic mastery to serve their artistic conception, as individuals and most importantly as an ensemble of coequals. Perhaps it was in the third movement, the delicate and fragile E-major Andante, that their sensitivity to the music shone best, revealing startling gossamer layers of overlapping complementary textures. I'm looking forward to that time when performances can once again be in person. But in the meantime, I feel blessed and grateful to Kallos, and all dedicated musicians who are finding ways to continue making music: you are essential workers in your own right, helping to redeem this dark and difficult time.  

Dot Nelson
Audience member

Minyoung Kang has taken me on a musical journey for more than a decade now – from Rochester (Eastman) to New York (MSM) to New Haven (Yale).  In her role as Artistic Director and pianist of Kallos, she and her Kallos  partners continue to enrich my life with scintillating chamber music performances.  This pandemic has had one positive effect on my life, that being that I can now enjoy Kallos performances without having to fly from California to the East Coast.  It has been such a pleasure to meet her trio partners personally through their own self interviews and to have one of the trio introduce each piece to their far-flung audience.   With that personal connection, I eagerly looked forward to each Monday in November when I could invite them into my home for a short chamber music concert.  They introduced me to four trios that were new to my ears and flawlessly performed in a beautiful and acoustically superb studio.  Kudos to Kallos!  I look forward to the January musical offerings of Music A La Carte and the roster of Kallos musicians who will be Minyoung’s partners in that series of concerts

Patrick McCreless
Director of Music, First Presbyterian Church, Professor of Music, Yale University


We at First Presbyterian Church are delighted to welcome

the Kallos Chamber Series to our lovely and resonant space. The concert in December was wonderful—

the quality of the playing was extraordinary,

and it was clear from the outset that the players and the audience were enjoying the experience together.

The series is indeed a unique and vital contribution to the
classical music scene in the New Haven area,

and we are proud to be a part of it.

Wenbin Gao,
Audience member


Kallos Chamber Music is everything a classical music fan can hope for. The quality of music is first-rate, and the staff are always super friendly. While most classical music venues are grandiose and therefore somewhat impersonal, Kallos always chooses intimate settings where the audience is only a few feet away from the musicians. We often forget that this was how chamber music was originally heard. Listening to Mozart and Beethoven in a salon setting was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. I feel truly fortunate to have been a member of Kallos’ fan base since its founding. 

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